Avidon Health Product Blog

Auto-Bookmarking Session Segments

Written by Avidon Health Product Team | Jan 3, 2019 3:49:05 PM

When a user leaves a session before completing it, their place within it is automatically recorded and, upon returning, they can resume exactly where they left off.

All of our courses are structured similarly: They are broken down into sessions, and each session is comprised of videos, quizzes, and various pieces of other content. All of these elements are individually  referred to as segments. Oftentimes, users take a session over multiple visits to the website, and our auto-bookmarking feature assures that they will be returned to the segment from which they previously left.

The auto-bookmarking feature allows the user to come and go as their personal schedule dictates without having to remember where they left off and without the frustration of having to repeat segments that were already taken. This is an improvement on the previous iteration that was not as precise in segmentation and occasionally required the user to repeat portions of the session when returning to their course.