The Course Library

Posted by Avidon Health Product Team on Jun 9, 2020 9:45:00 AM

The course library houses various forms of support that enhance user experience and raise the likelihood for successful lifestyle change.

The Course Library

When a member begins a course, they can access the course library from the member homepage. The library serves as an organized resource-hub and provides the user with various support components that augment the main course.


The library and all related materials can be accessed through the mobile app, giving users support no matter where they are:

library on mobile

Library Components

Key to Success Cards

As a user proceeds in a course, they are given tools called Key to Success (KtS) cards. These cards contain statements that the user is instructed to read at certain times throughout the course; the KtS cards play a central role in retraining the brain and gradually eliminating the emotional and psychological dependency on the targeted unhealthy lifestyle. As the course continues, the KtS cards issued to users evolve and build upon previous versions. All cards can be found and—once they’ve been unlocked—printed in the course library.

Each KtS card is represented in the library with a tile and a short instructional blurb. Tiles for cards that have been unlocked explain when to use the card and provide a “more information” button that gives the user context for the specific card. Tiles representing cards that have not yet been unlocked explain to the user when the card will become available.

Here is an example of what the user sees when they select “more information” for an unlocked KtS card:

kts card more information

Support Audios

All the substance related courses and the LivingWellRested course have support audios that help the user review important information and prepare for major milestones (like weekends, for example, when the urge to use tobacco, consume alcohol, or eat in unhealthy ways is strong for many people). There are also audios that are meant to de-stress the user and promote positive visualizations.

As with the KtS cards, audios are represented on tiles and are individually unlocked as the user continues through the course, a process that naturally promotes certain audios at the most relevant times in the training process. Audio tiles contain short details about when to listen to them and a “more information” button that gives the user more context.

Here's an example of the context provided by the "more information" button for an audio:

audio more information tile

Additional Reading & Guides

This section contains elemental articles, FAQs, and guides related to the course. Everything in this section is potentially useful for users on an ongoing basis. For example, this section in the library for the LivingLean course has a nutrition glossary which users may want to refer to often.


This section (only for certain courses) contains interactive tools meant to enhance user experience:

  • LivingWell: Daily D Library and the Habit Builder
  • LivingFit: Walking Summary and the 2,000-Minute Challenge
  • LivingWellRested: Daily Sleep Improvement Journal and the Daily Zs

In Summary

The course library offers a tidy location for users who want to explore all the different forms of support we offer.  

Filed Under:

course features, library

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