Avidon Health Product Blog

The Mobile App

Written by Avidon Health Product Team | Oct 12, 2020 5:12:57 PM

The mobile app gives participants easy access to essential course resources that can be viewed and used conveniently in any place at any time on their device.

The Mobile App

All SelfHelpWorks courses convey the main concepts and introduce the various tools to participants through the videos and content segments that make up the sessions. But the true brain-training process is achieved during the time between sessions, when participants are living their daily lives and employing the strategies and using the tools delivered to them in their most recent session.

The mobile app—which was introduced in 2017 and has since undergone significant updates regarding functionality and design—provides a level of convenience and practicality that increases the feasibility of brain-training for healthy behavioral and lifestyle change. Instructions for app download, and the value of it, are expressed to participants through several different avenues; there are notes and links in emails, in assignments, and on the homepage in the portal website. Many communications encouraging app-download cease after the participant has done so. 

Available courses for participants are listed on the app, along with short descriptions and their current placement within a course if it has been started. 

The mobile app houses the following, all of which can be accessed in the course libraries or from the course homepage:

  • Motivational statements of purpose (referred to as the "Number One Benefit" and/or the "Vision Statement," depending on the course)
  • Key to Success cards (made available to download as they are unlocked successively during the participant’s progression through a course)
  • Support audios (also unlocked progressively)
  • Assignments and reading materials (delivered with each session)
  • Daily Sleep Improvement Journal

Key to Success Cards

These cards are the brain-training linchpin in all the cognitive behavioral training courses. Cards are delivered to participants throughout the course with the instruction to read them at certain intervals and/or at certain times (for example: in anticipation of, or during, an urge).

Historically, reaching back to the ‘70s when the courses were taught in-person, it was necessary for participants to print cards out and carry them. Now, with the mobile app, participants can simply download the cards and view them on their phones:

Support Audios

There are several different audio-types and all of them can be listened to via the mobile app. Audios will continue to play even after the phone's display has dimmed and shut down (this is especially useful for anyone listening while driving or while relaxing).

Audio-types include:

  • visualizations and guided meditations;
  • preparation exercises for highly anticipated situations that sometimes create unique vulnerabilities to relapse (like weekends and vacations);
  • affirmations and general support; and
  • the reiteration of integral brain-training concepts.

Audios are unlocked in the library as sessions are completed and, once selected, they run with transcriptions beneath the audio player:

Assignments and Reading Materials

Both assignments and reading materials are delivered at the end of every session of every course. Assignments include thought-exercises, new Key to Success cards, and new audios. Participants with the app can download and view both of these course elements:

Daily Sleep Improvement Journal

This feature is most relevant for participants of the LivingWellRested course, which is designed to permanently solve sleep issues and insomnia using the SelfHelpWorks brand of cognitive behavioral training for insomnia. The sleep journal is available to members in any course for portals that have it enabled.

The app allows participants to quickly enter their previous night’s sleep data (and up to five nights previous) into the journal, which is then recorded in the member account. Journal entries can be viewed and edited through the app:

In Summary

The app is the perfect modern companion to the portal's course content.

Reaching the goal of true behavior change takes time and the brain-training process is one that is predominantly done between sessions. The app provides a convenient and easy means for participants to review and complete assignments, read Key to Success cards, listen to support audios, and fill in their sleep-data whenever and wherever they find themselves.