Avidon Health Product Blog

The Value of Support Audios Via the Mobile App

Written by Avidon Health Product Team | Jul 21, 2020 4:37:50 PM

SelfHelpWorks offers users various support tools that enhance experience and emphasize the most important components of the main course content. Among these support tools are the audios which users can listen to via the mobile app.

SelfHelpWorks has four courses that feature prerecorded audios:

  • LivingLean: Food and unhealthy eating habits
  • LivingFree: Tobacco and nicotine
  • LivingSmart: Alcohol
  • LivingWellRested: Insomnia and sleep issues

Each of these courses are related to certain behaviors that are potentially hazardous to health (insomnia is often the result of unhealthy lifestyles or undisciplined sleep-related habits), and so it is important to offer users a means for support that is available in between sessions, wherever and whenever they are.

Support Audios & the Mobile App

How the flexibility and convenience of audios through the mobile app can raise user-mindfulness and success

While the audios are, of course, accessible for users in the main SelfHelpWorks website, they are also accessible—and probably most effectively used—through the mobile app.

There are certain components of SelfHelpWorks courses that are meant to be consumed in certain conditions. For example, the main course sessions—which include videos, quizzes, and surveys—are ideally experienced when the user has the time and space to devote a short period of undivided attention. The audios, however, do not necessarily require the same attentiveness...

Different Audios for Different Users

Each of the courses contain different types of audios. Some audios simply expand upon key course concepts, while others are designed to relax the user and promote a mindset of stillness (particularly important while keeping composure and mindfulness in the midst of an urge). There are audios that address very specific situations, like preparing for the weekend, and others that are purely informational (although sometimes delivered in light and even humorous tones).

While we encourage users to listen to all audios at least once, the wide range of audio-types makes certain recordings appealing to certain personality types and areas of need. Because of the wide-ranging training-roles that these audios can fill, it is especially significant that users can access them most conveniently with their phones, through the mobile app, wherever and whenever they want.

Driving, Walking, Resting, and Everywhere in Between

The mobile app allows users to easily access the audio they want in a matter of moments: Users who want to set their phone down and shut their eyes (during a visualization audio, perhaps) can relax on the couch or a park bench; users who want to strengthen resolve on the way to a party in their car can do so without having to touch the phone after the audio starts (playback continues after the phone goes into lock mode); users who simply want to review a key course concept at their kitchen table can read along while they listen, with the transcript that scrolls beneath the playback indicator. 

In Summary

Our goal when we created our extensive audio library was to provide all of our users—as unique as each one of them is—with a form of supplemental support that can help bridge one session to the next. No matter their hobbies or their locations, all users can listen when they need to or want to, from the only thing almost everyone always has with them.