Avidon Health Product Blog

Course Calendar Rules & Flexibility

Written by Avidon Health Product Team | Mar 12, 2020 2:00:00 PM

Each of the SelfHelpWorks cognitive behavioral training courses are deliberately structured, with various wait-times between sessions, to allow users adequate time to complete assignments, absorb information, and effectively retrain their brains. 

Course Rules, Calendars, & Flexibility

At the end of non-final sessions of every course (with the exception of LivingFit, which operates by a unique set of week-based rules), the user is given a list of rule-driven “next session” dates and asked to select the date and time they wish to take their next session. After scheduling the next session, the dates of all remaining future sessions are automatically updated by applying the “Recommended” course-schedule rules. This allows the user to see their projected completion date as they progress through a course. 

Each course has its own recommended schedule and a minimum number of days required to complete it. There are mandatory wait-times between sessions--the amount of time varies depending on the course and the session.

In all courses, each session plays a distinct role in the brain-training process--sessions are spaced out the way they are for two reasons:

  1. To allow for completion of session assignments
  2. To give the neural pathways of the brain the necessary time to adapt to the specific cognitive training exercises that are part of the session

Course schedules are flexible and users can schedule sessions in accordance with their personal calendars; however, courses cannot be accelerated or completed more quickly than the calendar-rules dictate. 

Total Sessions & Minimum Completion Times

When a user starts a course, the system automatically populates session dates using the system's default "Recommended" schedule. 

Course Total Sessions Completion Time
LivingEasy (stress/resiliency) 8 3 weeks
LivingFit (exercise) 12 9-12 weeks
LivingFree (tobacco) 12 3 weeks
LivingLean (food/weight) 14 4 weeks
LivingSmart (alcohol) 12 3 weeks
LivingWell (diabetes) 9 3 weeks
LivingWellRested (sleep) 8 4 weeks

When the user completes a session and selects a "next session" date, the remaining session dates and the projected course-completion date are automatically updated. 

An Example...

Let's say the user has the following schedule when they start on 10/1:

Session Schedule Calendar Rules
Session 1 10/1 Course start date
Session 2 10/3 2 days after Session 1 (rules-driven)
Session 3 10/7 4 days after Session 2 (rules-driven)

Now, let's say that the user completes Session 1 on 10/1 but chooses to schedule Session 2 for 10/5 (instead of 10/3). The schedule dates for all upcoming sessions will be shifted accordingly: 

Session Schedule Calendar Rules
Session 1 Complete Complete on 10/1
Session 2 10/5 New date chosen by user
Session 3 10/9 4 days after new Session 2 date (rules-driven)

In Summary

SelfHelpWorks cognitive training courses are more than mere educational programs--they are intricately designed to change the brain’s trained cognitive response to the pertinent substance, condition, or circumstance--both the overarching course-completion time and the intermittent session-to-session wait-times are crucial elements in the process.

Users have flexibility in choosing their own schedules but, to ensure the highest possible efficacy, there are varying mandatory wait-times between sessions.