Avidon Health Product Blog

Course Reset Functionality

Written by Avidon Health Product Team | Dec 2, 2019 10:55:00 PM

SelfHelpWorks allows clients to reset courses for their members. This action can be done in the admin website on a portal-group and an individual-member level.  

Resetting a course eliminates the progress of all affected members (this includes quiz and survey answers and all personal coach data). When a course is reset, members will need to start the course at the beginning. When this action is taken on a portal-group level, it affects all members within the selected portal-group. This action is commonly used at the beginning of a new benefits period by clients who offer member-incentives.

Reset Courses for Portal-Groups

To reset courses for a portal-group, go to the Settings section in the admin website and enter the “Portal Group Management” module. Here you will see a list of portal-groups in the selected portal. You can reset all courses for a portal-group by clicking the menu on the right and selecting “Reset courses”:

After selecting "Reset courses," a message describes the results of the action and requires confirmation to continue:

Reset Courses for Individual Members

Clients can reset courses for individual members in the Customer Service section of the admin website. Search for the member (using name, member ID, or Keyfield) and select, and you will be taken to the member dashboard.

The first tile on the dashboard is titled "Course activity." Courses that the member has started are listed in this tile and can be reset using a menu beneath each course-listing or by selecting the "Go to details" button: 

Capturing Reset Events

Companies who use any one of our data feeds can capture "reset events" data. When accounts are reset, the SelfHelpWorks system will record the event for all members affected (in other words, if the reset was for a portal-group, the event is recorded for all members). 

Reset events are currently not available in the reports section of the admin website. 

Note that a "reset" event is different than a "restart" event: Restart events are most often initiated by individual members who want to retake a course for their own reasons. 

In Summary

Many clients offer their members incentives for participation in wellness programs. These clients need to reset all progress and achievements annually at the beginning of a new benefits period. The course reset functionality in the SelfHelpWorks admin website allows clients to meet this need easily on a portal-group level and, if necessary, on an individual-member level.

Course reset event data can be captured for clients who use data feeds.