Release Notes: August 19, 2019

Posted by Avidon Health Product Team on Aug 27, 2019 5:09:53 PM

This release includes the splitting of the reading materials and assignments in all sessions of all courses, an added insight in the member details section of the admin website, and minor course updates for three courses. 

New Updates & Features


All sessions in all SelfHelpWorks courses have reading materials and assignments which, prior to this release, were combined in one document (for each session). We have now split the assignments and reading materials and present them to the user as two separate entities, each with a distinct function within the course. 

reading Materials

The reading materials are meant primarily to summarize the most important information presented in the session. After completing a session, participants are encouraged to review the reading materials before the next session. The reading materials are an easily accessed and highly organized storehouse for course concepts and information.


Successful behavioral change in our courses is dependent upon the user’s conscious participation—when the participant completes their session assignments, they are actively applying certain concepts and practices to their lives. In this release, we have standardized the presentation and delivery style of all assignments with the following objectives:

  1. Make the action-element of the assignment as clear and succinct as possible so the participant knows precisely what they are being asked to do.
  2. Explain the purpose of the assignment (when necessary) so the participant knows why they are being asked to do it.
  3. Conform presentation of all assignments through all sessions and courses so participants can acclimate to a consistent pattern.
  4. Add clickable links to every reference to a tool or page found within our system; for example, an assignment that includes filling in the sleep journal now contains a link to the journal.

There are separate links for assignments and reading materials presented on the session-completion screen and at the bottom of session tiles on the course homepage: 

a and rm linksa and rm links 2


All updates regarding reading materials and assignments were made to improve participant experience and make it as easy and as clear as possible for them to follow course instruction and successfully achieve healthy lifestyle change.


Customer support agents now have more insight into participant behavior within courses. 

Admins with appropriate access can click the "Go to details" button after locating a specific member and view the "Session details" section. This section shows all the sessions that the member has started in bold (future sessions are shown in gray). For completed sessions, admins can see the date the session became available, the date it was scheduled, the date it was started, and the date it was completed:

2 admin session history


The session-by-session habits of participants are more easily discernible. This added insight allows customer support agents to recognize potentially demotivating patterns of behavior that specific members might be practicing. For instance, if a participant is regularly starting a session multiple days after it has been scheduled, agents can guide the participant towards scheduling sessions when they know they have the time to take them, thereby creating a more fluid and momentum-building experience with the course.    


Testimonials added to two course homepages

LivingWellRested (sleep) and LivingHealthy (nutrition) are both relatively new courses and testimonials have been added to the course homepages, as is the case for all the other courses. Testimonials from users who have already completed the course can motivate current users to continue in their course. 

Session completion notifications added

Participants in the LivingFit course (exercise) will now receive emails immediately upon completing a session. These emails contain a congratulatory message for the completion of the session and a reminder to complete the daily and weekly goals presented in the session. 

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