Release Notes: March 30, 2020

Posted by Avidon Health Product Team on Mar 30, 2020 10:00:00 PM

SelfHelpWorks offers clients two new portal level features: engagement messaging and psychographic segmentation. The features can be used in coordination with one another for advancements in personalization of user experience, raised engagement rates, and positive health outcomes. 

New Updates & Features

Engagement Messaging

SelfHelpWorks now offers an engagement messaging feature that clients can turn on or off at the portal level. Engagement messaging augments our standard messaging (standard messaging includes basic communications to users like session completion emails), and is used to motivate users—particularly those whose progress has stalled—to take certain actions and continue with their SelfHelpWorks experience.

Engagement messaging is sent out at various stages of user inactivity; it can be sent to encourage registering for an account, beginning a course, or starting or continuing a session within a course. When engagement messaging is enabled, it adds a layer of accountability for the user and increases participation levels. 

Talk to your account executive if you want to turn on engagement messaging for your organization.   

Psychographic Segmentation

SelfHelpWorks offers a revolutionary user engagement methodology which utilizes a psychographic segmentation model and digital communications; this methodology is proven to increase the motivation for healthy behavior change in users. 

The psychographic segmentation model, which was developed by healthcare consumer experts from Proctor and Gamble, is the gathering and algorithmic assessment of data related to a person's attitudes, values, personalities, and motivations. Once this data is collected and assessed, users are classified as belonging to one of five psychographic segments. 

Each of the five psychographic segments has its own unique approaches to personal health, wellness, and motivations for behavior change. 

How Segmentation is Determined: The Psychographic Survey for Users

The psychographic segmentation model is based on a 12-question survey presented to users which achieves a 91% accuracy rate in its segmentation classifications. This model, and its level of accuracy, is the result of years of testing which began with a pool of hundreds of potential questions (and thousands of survey variations) before it was whittled down to the most efficient and accurately predictive survey now presented to users.  

More Survey Details

Clients can turn the survey on or off on the portal level and, if it is turned on, it is optional for the end-user. The survey is anonymous and is used exclusively to identify the segmentation type of the user (this is explained to the user in a brief message that precedes the survey).

If the user chooses to skip the survey, they are automatically assigned to an intelligent default segment that has been proven (again, through extensive research and analysis) to have the highest level of association with users on our platform.

Segmentation & Personalized Engagement Messaging

When segmentation is utilized and engagement messaging is enabled, it allows for a more intimate and involving user experience: email and text/SMS messages are personalized, using language that speaks directly to the user's specific areas of interest and emphasizing the sources of motivation to which they are most responsive.

Psychographic segmentation and engagement messaging, as a combination of forces, magnify communicative focus on the aspects of the user's health and life in the ways that are most aligned with their intellectual, psychological, and emotional dispositions. 

In Summary: Segmentation Will Expand in Presence

The implementation of these features is an exciting step towards what will eventually be an intricately ubiquitous part of the entire SelfHelpWorks solution. As we move forward with this technology, we will continue to develop and broaden the presence of segmented content. Users will increasingly receive content, and be directed down content paths, that have been specifically crafted to their segment. 

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