Release Notes: June 29, 2020

Posted by Avidon Health Product Team on Jun 30, 2020 10:00:00 AM

This release includes multiple improvements to the user eligibility authentication feature in our admin and the addition of expiration dates for member accounts, particularly relevant for closed authentication portals.

New Updates & Features

Updates to User Eligibility Authentication in the Admin

User Eligibility is a type of user authentication that can be assigned to portals to determine how members enter our system and/or access content. When user eligibility is set as the authentication type, it requires the client to set certain configurations and provide files with the data that identifies members included in the portal. This release, we have made several improvements to the user eligibility feature in the admin website.

New Validation Rules

Email address and phone number can both be set as data fields included for members in an eligibility file. Following this release, our system now only accepts member emails and phone numbers that are unique; that is, if an email or phone number has already been submitted anywhere in our system, it will not be accepted.

Improved Error Messaging

Eligibility files can be processed in one of two ways: through a manual upload or through an automatic data feed (this requires configuration). In either case, there are various reasons why a file may fail processing (including system configuration issues and problems with the file itself).

This release we have added detail to our error messaging. Upon failure, a more detailed error message is provided that includes an explanation for why the failure occurred and the steps to fix the problem.

Updates to Transaction Log

The transaction log (which exists on the user eligibility page in the admin website) contains information related to file-upload attempts and system-connection attempts. 

Transaction Log-View Simplified

When a portal has been configured for automated data feeds, our system checks for new files on a daily basis. Previously, the transaction log displayed all connection attempts, regardless of whether or not a new file had been added by the client. With this release, the log-view is simplified: the log now contains an entry with a success or fail indicator for only the most recent connection attempt.

If a file upload successfully processes some, but not all, of the members included in a file, it is classified as "partially successful" and the error log shows the number of members who were successfully processed in relation to the total members included in the file. 

Updates to Email Alerts

When user eligibility is set as the authentication type, client admins have the option to assign a recipient for email alerts related to file processing attempts. Email recipients can be assigned by filling in the "Support Contact" field at the bottom of the user eligibility page:

support contact field UE

Emails pertaining to files that failed the processing attempt have been updated to improve formatting and now include more detailed error messages (similar to the new error messages in the admin UI).

These emails also now include a link to the transaction log inside the admin website. When an admin receives the email and clicks the link, they will be automatically taken to the page after logging into the admin website.

Member Accounts Include Expiration Dates

This update is particularly relevant for portals assigned to the closed authentication type.

Clients who use SSO and user elgibility are not required to provide expiration dates for users. Expiration dates in these cases are assigned by default to the distant future, but clients have the option to modify the expiration dates on a per-member basis. 

When members are added to a closed authentication portal, accounts must include an expiration date. When an account expires, it is disabled. 

Member expiration dates can be viewed in the member details tile.

In Summary

This release includes various improvements to the processes, UI, and rules related to user eligibility authentication in our admin website. These improvements provide clarity and enhance ease-of-use for clients who employ this authentication type. 

The addition of expiration dates to member accounts is required for closed authentication portals; expiration dates for member accounts in any portal-type can be modified.

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