Avidon Health Product Blog

Release Notes: May 18, 2020

Written by Avidon Health Product Team | May 19, 2020 1:00:00 AM

We have updated our biometric trackers with this release. Our system now supports the integration of consumer, wearable devices and allows for auto-population of data from a member's personal device into the trackers in their profile; the tracker dashboard design has also been updated.

New Updates & Features

SelfHelpWorks has long offered members tracking features within our system to record readings for the biometrics that are important to them. 

All of our courses are related to lifestyles and/or conditions that directly impact the health of members—biometric data provides essential insight into how their health is trending in specific areas. 

Our system contains trackers for the following biometrics:

  • Cholesterol
  • Weight
  • Blood glucose
  • Blood pressure
  • A1C
Wearable device integration support added

Our system now supports the integration of wearable biometric devices; this includes blood pressure devices, blood glucose devices, and scales.  

Members can connect their biometric devices from the tracker dashboard in their member profile.  

CERTAIN Data can be auto-populated into member trackers

Previously, members were required to manually enter all data they wished to track, but with this release they can link their wearable biometric devices to our system, allowing data for certain biometrics to be automatically uploaded into their trackers. 

For applicable biometrics: 

  • Members can choose date ranges, and all data within the time span that has been captured by their wearable device will be populated inside the related tracker.
  • Members can choose the measurement unit for display (for applicable trackers). 
  • Members can delete previously uploaded data. 

Update to tracker dashboard

Along with simplifying the data-uploading process, we have made changes to the user interface and the general design of the tracker dashboard in the member profile. The updated design gives members a clean, easily navigable experience.

Here is the new dashboard for a member whose  portal has all trackers enabled:

When a member has populated a tracker with data, they can view a report that shows a history of the data in the tracker.

Here is an example of a report for a member who has been tracking their weight:

In Summary

As always, our focus remains on the continual improvement of user experience. This effort makes it easier for members to track their health data and view related reports that are important to them. 

Upcoming releases will contain intermittent expansions of the capabilities of our tracking system.