Avidon Health Product Blog

Release Notes: May 27, 2019

Written by Avidon Health Product Team | Jun 3, 2019 10:57:17 PM

This release marks the official launch of the SelfHelpWorks admin website and the addition of the Customer Service module. We have also increased communication regarding the mobile app to course participants.

New Updates & Features


The Customer Service module enables customer service staff, coaches, etc., to view their members' profiles and their interaction with the SelfHelpWorks solution.

Admins with access to the customer service module (those who have been assigned the "customer service manager" or the "customer service rep" roles) can look up individual members using the member search tool, which offers various ways to identify a specific member, such as by name, email address, etc. 

The Member Dashboard

After identifying and selecting a member, admin users will be delivered to the member dashboard. The member dashboard includes:

  1. Course activityA visual display of all the courses the member has started and/or completed, with a progress indicator that shows their current place in the course. The course start-date and the availability date of the next session are also shown here. Courses available to the user that have not been started are listed beneath the active courses.
  2. Member details—Member profile information.
  3. Notes—An area where coaches can record notes about the member. 
  4. Member audit log—A record of changes to the member's account.
  5. Recent notifications—A record of messages sent to the member, organized by sent date (most recent shown first).


The dashboard's course activity tile (which presents the courses the member has started) provides a "Go to details" button for each course listed. This button directs to a page that provides greater detail on the member's involvement in the course. This page includes:

  • Course propertiesA brief description of average session length and overall course length.
  • The course start-date and the next-available-session date
  • The earliest course-completion dateThe projected date the course will be completed if the member takes all sessions on their availability date
  • The course expiration date (when applicable)
  • A "session details" tableA session-by-session breakdown of the course with a dated record of all the sessions that have been started and completed.

The “I want to…” Section

This section is only available in our staging environment. (This is not available on our public site.) The following features are available to assist clients who are integrating with, and testing, the SelfHelpWorks solution.

  1. Reset the course—This action resets the course to the beginning. 
  2. Reset the current session—This action resets the current session to the beginning. 
  3. Unlock the next session—This action will make the next locked session unlocked.
  4. Fast forward to a session/segment—This action allows progression to any segment of any session that has not yet been taken by the member. 


This is an expansion of the admin website and allows for in-depth analysis of individual members and their activity and interaction with the SelfHelpWorks courses. 


The mobile app is a powerful tool that enables members to raise mindfulness and access the course materials from their phones. Making users aware of the app and its capabilities, and encouraging them to download and install the app, is of high priority. 

We have added more communication that stresses the benefits of the SelfHelpWorks mobile app. All session-reminders and session completion segments now contain messages that encourage the user to download and use the app.  

This effort was done in large part to provide more flexibility to the user in accessing the SelfHelpWorks courses. 


The user will be aware of the app and will be consistently provided with simple instructions on how to download and install it.

Users who download the app will be able to access their courses more conveniently than ever, and can do so wherever they have their phones. Simply put, the mobile app provides a level of accessibility that was previously unmatched and will improve the user's overall experience with the courses.